This was the first boat designed exclusively for series production using a 60 Hp Chris-Craft engine. It was built using Honduras mahogany planking throughout. It was originally made with a two-part frameless glass windscreen, dark green vinyl dashboard and seating, an article holder under the deck and a green fabric sunbed. From the 1953 series the inner panels were lined with padded green vinyl and the windscreen was in a single piece. The number of frames was increased in 1955 and their centre distance set at 16 cm. A new steering box made of bronze with stainless steel parts and a Monel propeller shaft were fitted. The side planking was installed with the aid of adhesives. The bottom was fitted using corrosion resistant Phillips cross-head screws. From # 98, at the end of 1956, the bottom was a single piece of plywood and, from 101, the decking was also made of plywood, with inlaid veneers. The 1957 series is also typified by the wrap-around glass windscreen.